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Monday, September 30, 2024

September 2024 Portfolio Update

As I wrote, Alibaba just closed another 7.3% up in one day. CSI300 index went up about 7.21% itself (at one point, it was 10%).

"The boat has left the.... p**t"

S&P500: 17.62% was 16.63% 

Tracker: 21.91% was 8.21% (what a month it has been) 
STI: 15.13% was 10.73% (it was quite a climb. Banks's shares are ATH)

My portfolio: 39.74% was 25.78%.

Please disregard this month's return as a bulk of it comes from Anta Sport's rally. As wrote in the previous post, I sold calls for all my shares in Anta, and as such there would be no gains at all. The gain in Anta would had been a cool 22.03%.

//last minute edit: I recall that Cordlife was also responsible for some of the increase this month. 

Unfortunately, the market rally also brought my Alibaba sold-calls to ATM. Volatility for calls outpaced puts-- in other words, if you have bought the shares at 110, and sell a call, you received about 6.6 dollars. If you have sold a put at 110 strike, the premium is 5.6 dollars.

This reflects a market sentiment skewed towards bullishness.

Alibaba represents 13.29% of my total equities portfolio. 


The somewhat negative impact of this market rally is not the main reason that my mood is as poor as the weather. My mum's glucose level is now extremely elevated, and her anemia did not improve. The latter requires her to go for a colonoscopy in the next two months.

It is another period of worries.

I have not been paying too much attention to my equities portfolio either. Hence, I am running low on ideas to buy and hold long term. Should I put more capital into the options strategy? I am unsure.

It is quite depressing that Alibaba, a share that I have held for some years (and undergone quite a bit of up and down), is now on its ascend and I am likely not part of it. Is this what most investor cautioned against-- having too much sentiment for a stock? Maybe.

Did selling option cost me a ton of capital gains? I would think so...
I have sold calls on...
Tracker when it was 17
HKEX while it was 220
Anta Sports while it was 60-70++
Link Reit while it was 35
and... Tencent while it was 300~!


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September 2024 Portfolio Update

As I wrote, Alibaba just closed another 7.3% up in one day. CSI300 index went up about 7.21% itself (at one point, it was 10%). "The bo...