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Saturday, November 17, 2018

Portfolio Commentary: November

SPDR STI Index Fund
Start of Year: 3.48
Today: 3.125 (excluding dividend of  0.113)

Tracker Fund of HK
Start of Year: 30.05
Today:  26.3 (excluding dividend of 0.16)
Returns: -11.95%

My Little Portfolio:14.1%

Transactions made: Lightly increased holdings in TTJ after reviewing the last annual report. Lightly increased holdings in OKP. Both are cheap by book value, and OKP has the added advantage of having legal issues. I believe the issues to be temporary, not lasting over a period of 3 years.

Size of portfolio is more than doubled since start of the year. No significant divestment in the plans.

A short note to perhaps end the year

Sorry for the lack of updates. I have been distracted by pool of late. My mum's colonoscopy is this Wed, and she has signs of anemia, so...