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Monday, December 9, 2024

A short note to perhaps end the year

Sorry for the lack of updates.

I have been distracted by pool of late. My mum's colonoscopy is this Wed, and she has signs of anemia, so I am very worried.

So why I have been playing pool? I was simply trying to win something for a group of people. I think these people deserve it, and I want to try my best for them. I want to accumulate some karma for my mum. Hopefully the colonoscopy and result go well.

The last few months has not been great for my portfolio.

We experienced the rise and fall of HK equities. Unfortunately, I thought that it was a good bullish market sentiment and choose to cover my sold calls on Baba, realizing a loss of 5000++ SGD.

It was in vain as the market fell back. It means that my option income has effectively halved.

I also lost the same amt, or more, when I sold calls on Anta Sports. This, I did not cover, and hence I got my stock called away at cost.

I also witness stocks that effectively would have gone 200% up if I stayed (Centurion).

Overall, I can't say I have a very good year. But I am more worried for my mum now.

Looking at my portfolio returns, I was up 41% and now it is a mere 31%, equaling the S&P 500.

Both HSI and STI is about 23% equals.

I don't have any wisecrack advice.

Just feeling very worried day to day.

Feb 2025 Portfolio Update

Portfolio: 30.33% (was 9.35%) ES3 (Straits Times Index Fund): 3.34% (was 2.34%) S&P (S&P 500 Index): 0.56% (was 1.77%) 2800 (Tracker...