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Saturday, July 27, 2024

July 2024 Portfolio Update

S&P500: 17.19$ was 18.34% 

Tracker: 4.17% was 9.19% (yea, the depressing times are back)
STI: 8.13% was 5.29% 

My portfolio: 23.86% was 25.47% 

Because of shit that happened at work, I decided to focus a lot more of energy into it, to the point that I think I am a nuisance.

It is nice to be rich, not having to deal with all that except to please yourself. Times are both brighter, and darker, for myself.

I do spare a few minutes to update my income strategy portfolio, but I failed to realize that one of my positions was actually a roll-over position to next month. As such, I sold more calls than I have a position for (naked). 

So now I have two choices
(a) Cover the roll position (which is safely more than 50% gain) by the adequate amount
(b) Purchase more shares of the underlying in order to make it a covered call.

I am thinking of doing (b) as I believe the shares are a tad on the undervalued-to-fair side. This stock is Anta Sports. I know growth seems to be slowing, but it isn't a trend with this company alone. I believe the management have enough skin in the game to try their best.

On other news, I know the Mags 7 have suffered a bit this week, but it is only a handful of percentage. Should you sell or buy because of a couple of percentages? Would that have made all the difference? I doubt so.

I am sorry that there is so little to update. Other parts of my life is taking up much of my time.

Monday, July 1, 2024

June 2024 Portfolio Update

I love billiards and snooker.

Celine Dion: "I don't want people to wait in line if I don't have anymore apples"

I am almost done with watching Celine Dion's documentary by Amazon Prime and it is extremely heart breaking to watch with the medical trauma she underwent, her pain and loss in full display.

It was very depressing for me to watch as it reminded me of scenes that my mother went through. It frightens me even till this day, and I live in fear everyday, that something is going to happen, I need to watch out. 

I don't know how she is coping everyday with the loss of identity, the loss of her health, and even though she is definitely very wealthy, I think she would give up of all it just to be the Celine Dion I knew when I was younger.

S&P500: 18.34% (was 14.23% last month)

Tracker: 9.19% (was 13.91%)
STI: 5.29% (was 5.35%)

My portfolio: 25.47% (was 23.09%)

Option income was just north of 1100, which isn't great, isn't bad, considering that I did not truly utilized all my funds for most of the month.

The total profit from income options portfolio totals to about 7000 year to date, based on a start up capital of 50000. All profits will be plough back into the portfolio, which makes this income strategy not so income really. A real income portfolio gives you a sum of money that needs to be use every month, and I have the luxury of a day job.

My position in Anta Sports have increased by another 1000 shares as my sell puts went ITM. 400 shares were out of the money the day before expiry, but 27-June wasn't a nice day in the market.

It might start to make sense to go on an income strategy with Alibaba. The news of the convertible bond sale isn't likely going to make the stock soar in the near future, so an income strategy make sense.

In that, I sold ITM calls on my Tracker Fund positions and the counter party exercised a good majority of them. So with these funds, I have another 10k SGD of capital to sell puts on. Alibaba looks like a proper choice at the moment, and IV isn't too poor (neither is it excellent to sell on).


On a more personal note, it is another disappointing year in my main job, and I guess my fortunes has indeed changed for the worse. I think I could learn to adjust to this new normal, where one slides into mediocrity. What worries me is the decline of my mom's health. I wish she doesn't work that hard for her age.

Apologies for this very short update. There isn't any bright sparks-- no teachable moments to share.

Feb 2025 Portfolio Update

Portfolio: 30.33% (was 9.35%) ES3 (Straits Times Index Fund): 3.34% (was 2.34%) S&P (S&P 500 Index): 0.56% (was 1.77%) 2800 (Tracker...